Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hi All!

I personally have been in a pretty dark place the last two days, after I told you all to rejoice always...It is as if God was testing whether I can practice what I preach.  Well, all I can say is I have tried to be in good spirits when I could.  I think we are all struggling in one way or another at this moment in time.  Times are hard, financially, having growing children, more and more demands on our time at work and at home. In these economic circumstances we cannot take the well deserved breaks that we really need to recharge if you have a family, because it is so expensive, there is more and more violence in our communities and in homes.  More and more divorces and dis functional families and children.  Then we are not even touching on how we and especially the corporate world is destroying the gift that God has so lovingly prepared for us to live in - "Mother Earth".  More and more atrocities are committed against animals to gain profit from them or they are abused as they are the scape goats of live's frustrations by sick people.  Our lives are also worth nothing to the corporate world.  All they are interested in are profits.  So what if the bees get extinct - really?, you are in the corporate world, highly intelligent and you don't know that there will not be any food source left for anybody in four years if the bees become extinct?  These are people that are telling themselves fairy tales in their heads to justify the way in which they make money.  Almost everything we eat has been either abused or is covered in a layer of poison, that kills us and animals.  These are the realities that we are faced with.

How do we deal with this?  Well, not easily and I am still figuring it out as I go along.  For one I know that we can not do it without God by our side and therefore I chose the text today... 
Proverbs 3:6:
God will direct your steps. 
We as human beings tend to live in the why and how.  We ask God why something happened that was not the way that we planned it to be and we ask Him how we should fix it.

That my friends is however not the way that we should think.  We should not ask how or why, we should just give God our problem and believe he will direct our steps out of whatever we are in.  This does not mean sit back and relax and let whatever be, just be.  He will make things happen and we need to act accordingly to resolve the issue and either there is a valuable lesson we need to learn from it, or we are better off after the storm has passed.  When we are in the storm we want to take the matter back into our own hands and make the path go in the direction we want it to go in, but God might have other plans for us.  Most of our hurt and problems usually stems from this conflict between what we want and what God has planned for us.

Therefore, I have now finally decided to surrender all and trust in His grace and mercy.  Furthermore, we have to believe that He is directing our steps in the right direction.  Our relationship with God is all about love, trust and believing in Him like a child.

Where all of the problems of the world are concerned....we can only do so much with what we have, but if we just do our little bit of spreading love, helping where we can standing up for innocent souls against the money system, then I believe, we are doing what we can.  Unless you are a billionaire with lots of money, that is all we as normal salary earners can do.  The truth is that if we live in love, we need to give and help - that is in our nature, but even this conflicts in us.  So do what you can for the world and then detach, because you are worth more spreading The Word and the Salvation of Jesus Christ as well as the love and light, than sitting in a corner worrying about something that you cannot change by yourself.  We need to focus on saving souls!

If you are a very sensitive person like I am, things really hurt you to your core and you think that you are fine after seeing a terrible picture of abuse, seeing people in complete poverty, seeing abuse and seeing souls throwing their lives away, because they could not deal with the harsh realities anymore and became alcoholics or drug addicts.  I work with many of these things on a daily basis as I work for a ministry trying to alleviate poverty where we can.  My boss who is a Minister, but has a doctorate as well always says, if we can just help one person a day, at least we have done something....  It is incredible how God does lead us to places where we learn profound truths.

Something I did not know was that even though we think that we are fine after experiencing something bad, we really are not.  Doreen Virtue, a beautiful soul, whom I dearly love for the love and light she spreads into the world, has just recently placed a post on Facebook which relates to this.  She says that we should cleanse our souls from this pain, because it does stay with us and we should distance ourselves as much as we can about things that is out of our control.

So how do we cleanse our souls from this pain.  We ask God and His angels to please assist us to clear all of these negative energies from our souls in meditation.  Archangel Michael should be called upon to cut the cords that connects us to this pain and any other pain from our past that we are still hanging on to.  If we carry around to much pain we cannot function in the way that we should.  If you do meditate always remember to surround your body with the white and holy light of the Holy Spirit, which will guard and keep you safe in every meditation together with Michael.

Dear God
Please help us to trust You as You direct our steps.  We as human beings always want to fix things ourselves, please show us which path You are leading us and which actions You require of us.  Thank you for all of Your love and blessings in our lives, in Jesus Name.


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