Thursday, August 8, 2013

As you all can see I am on quite a heavy topic tonight, but me and my extended family have really been attacked from all directions this week. I thought that I should share the tools that God gave me a long time ago to fight the spiritual war.  It is a fact, there is a daily struggle and war for our souls and mostly when we are closest to God, is when the biggest attacks happen on our lives to see if we will remain in the Lord or give in to Satan.  Satan does not like it when we keep our eyes focused on the Cross.  He will do anything to disturb your inner peace and take over your life, due to rage against the situation that you are in.

My friends the only way to fight this onslaught is through prayer.  I have a beautiful prayer that you can use, during those times that you feel that you are really being attacked by the enemy.  This war is part of our spiritual lives and we need to be equipped with our own weapon to make sure we enter the battle prepared.

I have experienced that this attack on me is worst when I am trying to bring people to the Lord, or grow their faith, or assist them with dealing with problems by following the Word.  I was actually very careless in not thinking about this when I started my Facebook page and this blog.  It is very clear that Satan does not like this at all.  I should have taken out my warfare prayers the day I started acting on this calling from God.

God does give us a promise of assisting us in defeating our enemy in today's daily text:
Deuteronomy 28:7
"The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you.  They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven."

In this text God gives us a promise of security.  He promises to break, confound and finally destroy your enemy.  We do not have to fear, Jesus has already died for our sins on the cross.  As we serve and obey God, He will bless us with the victory.

The prayer I would like to share with you can be used for yourself or for somebody that you would like to protect.  I keep a copy of it in my Bible and pray it daily in times that I am really being attacked.

The Blood

Today I come before You for _____________________ , who needs Your touch.  I plead the blood, Lord, and I am ever mindful that it is not our righteousness that saves, heals and keeps us.  For only You alone are righteous, wonderful Lord.  You alone are holy.  I plea Your blood over ________'s life right now for ___________________________ (healing salvation, cleansing, deliverance and help).  Thank you for the price You paid for ___________'s life.  Thank You that ______________ is so precious to You that You gave Your life for ________________________ .

Because of the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I declare that bondage is broken today, in the mighty and precious Name of Jesus.

And for the price you paid to save us, heal us and deliver us all we can say is a million thanks Lord Jesus.  Thank You that there is power in the blood.


Remember to also put on the armor of God everyday and pray the blood of Christ over all of your loved ones to protect them from the daily spiritual warfare for their souls.

I hope you will forgive me, but I am also going to put this prayer up in my native tongue, Afrikaans.

Geestelike Oorlogvoeringsgebed

Hemelse Vader,
Ek prys en aanbid U.  Ek hernu vandag my verhouding me U en se opnuut dankie dat U my so liefhet dat U, U Seun Jesus Christus na die wereld toe gestuur het om vir my te sterf.  Dankie dat U deur Hom al my sondes vergewe het en ek deur die bloed van die Lam skoongewas is.  Dankie dat U my as U kind aangeneem het, U U oor my ontferm het en my die ewige lewe gegee het.

Dankie vir die oorwinning wat Jesus vir my aan die kruis behaal het en dat U Woord se "dat ek nou saam met Hom 'n plek in die hemel het". (Ef 2:6).  Ek neem nou posisie saam met Hom in en erken dat volgens U Woord Satan en allle bose geeste onder my voete is en aan my onderworpe is in die Naam van die Here Jesus Christus.

Ek trek vandag die volle wapenrusting volgens Ef 6: 10 - 18 aan.  Die helmet van verlossing, die borsharnas van vryspraak, die gordel van die waarheid en die bereidheid om die evangelie van vrede te verkondig.  Ek tel die skild van geloof op om die brandpyle van die vyand af te weer en neem die swaard van die Gees - die Woord van God in my hand.  Dankie Jesus, dat U elke mag en gesag van die bose deur die kruis ontwapen het en openlik gewys het dat hulle U gevangenes is en dat U oor hulle triomfeer.  (Kol 2:15).  Ek eien daardie oorwinning vandag vir my toe.

Ek verwerp alle aantygings, versoekings en enige ander planne wat Satan vir my lewe het.  Dankie dat daar geskryf staan dat "die wapern van ons stryd nie die wapens van die mens is nie, maar die kragtige wapens van God is wat vestings kan vernietig." (2 Kor. 10:4) Jesus, U het gese dat U aan ons die mag gegee het om op slange en skerpioene te trap en die vyand met al sy geweld te oorwin sonder dat iets ons leed sal aandoen.  (Luk. 10:19)  Daarom staan ek nou in daardie outoriteit en vernietig ek alle vestings wat Satan teen my denke, emosies, en wil opgerig het.  U het nie vir my 'n gees van vreesagtigheid gegee nie, maar van krag, liefde en selfbeheersing.  (2 Tim 1:7)

Ek breek die vestings wat Satan teen my liggaam gevorm het vandag af, en ek wy my liggaam aan U as die tempel van die Heilige Gees.
Ek breek elke vesting van depressie, hopeloosheid, apatie, twyfel en vrees af in Jesus se Naam.
Ek bind elke demoniese krag wat gestuur is om my te treiter en beveel julle in Jesus se Naam om weg te gaan.
Ek breek die krag van elke vloek wat oor my uitgespreek is en seen hulle wat my vervloek het.
Ek pleit die bloed van Jesus oor my en my geliefdes, oor ons werk en bedienings, oor ons finansies en gesondheid, oor ons huise, motors, troeteldiere en besittings.
Dankie Heilige Gees dat U my Leidsman, Trooster en Vriend is.  Ek gee my lewe aan U oor en weier om moedeloos te word.  U is die God van alle Hoop.
Dankie dat U ons altyd saam met Jesus laat triomfeer. (2 Kor 2:14)


I have used both these prayers very frequently and if you use it during very difficult times and in general, I can promise you God and His angel's protection.  Also remember when you meditate to ask the Holy Spirit and Archangel Michael to protect you with their light.

I would like to quote from Doreen Virtue's book  "The Angel Therapy Handbook" to describe Michael to you:

" Archangel Michael's name means "he who is as God" or "he who looks like God".  He's the archangel who releases the effects of fear from the planet and its inhabitants.  The patron of police officers, he gives all of us the courage and the backbone to follow our truth and fulfill our Divine mission.  Call upon Michael if you feel afraid or confused about your personal safety, your Heavenly purpose, or making a necessary life change.  You can also ask him to help you fix any mechanical or electrical problems.  In addition, Michael can assist you in remembering your life purpose, and then give you the courage to follow through on it."

If you would like to connect closer with your angels I would really recommend this book to you.  Doreen comes from a very religious place and is filled with the light.

God wanted me to give each of you reading this blog today these weapons to defeat the dark and stay in the light of the Holy Spirit.

Have a lovely day until next time!  Lots of love, light and happiness with many blessings to you.

1 comment:

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